Sometimes dams need to be supplemented because they are not eating. While this is not an emergency in the few days prior to whelping, it can be a problem at other times during the pregnancy and once the pups are on the ground. I boil some eggs and keep them in the fridge. Often that is a treat for them. You can also try cottage cheese or yogurt. Here is a supplement that you can make that may do the trick:


  • 1 can evaporated milk
  • 1 can water
  • 1/4 cup white karo syrup
  • 5 egg yolks

  • Blend all ingredients together then refrigerate until being used. Can be served cold from the fridge or warmed up slightly in the microwave. This will help to give the dam some calcium and energy needed to keep going.

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    Kathy and Bruce Stewart

    Summer location: Alberta, Canada
    Home phone: (780) 987-4456
    ....................... Winter location: Arizona, U.S.A.
    Cell Phone: (780) 718-5940

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