Lifesavers - Leash and Collar

written by Kathy Stewart

Dogs that run at large are not only a nuisance, but they can be harmful to themselves and others. Below is just a small list of problems that could occur because your dog was not properly housed in a fenced yard, dog run; or on a collar and leash with his owner.

    fighting dogs

    1) Dog fights - causing injury or death to one or more dogs, therefore large vet bills. Harm may also come to the individuals who try to break up the dog fight, resulting in one or more visits to the doctor or hospital.


    2) Eating garbage - creating a mess for neighbours and possible death to your dog due to injestion of poisonous materials and/or bones which may lodge in the animals throat.

    3) Running into traffic - can not only present a threat to the dog but also to the motorist who tries to avoid it, and the pedestrian who happens to be in the way. Law suits could follow.


    4) Lost dog - many dogs simply do not return home and the owner then has the heartbreak of worrying where they are and what has happened to them.

    lost dog sign

    Please protect your dog from these tragedies.

All rights reserved. © 1998 - 2009 Klompen Keeshonden. This and subsequent pages may be reproduced, but only with permission from Kathy Stewart.

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Kathy and Bruce Stewart
Summer location: Alberta, Canada
Home phone: (780) 987-4456
....................... Winter location: Arizona, U.S.A.
Cell Phone: (780) 718-5940

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